Friday, September 17, 2010


Is zero an even number:

Find the number 34 is even number or not?


Given number we have to identify 34 is even number or not.

Now divide 34 by 2

32/2 =17 remainder 0

Here remainder is 0

So the number 34 is a even number.

To know more:

Trinomial Factoring

Volume of a cube

Thursday, September 16, 2010

T9 calculator

T9 calculator:

Exponential function decay is defined as


h-Number at initial

p-growth factor (calculated as follow)

(p=1-r,here r is given growth percentage)


To know more:

Different types of lines

Math equations

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Angles of a Triangle

More about----- Angles of a triangle

Properties of Triangles:


From the shapes of triangle their backdrop are acquirements as follows,

Triangle: It is belted with three beeline lines.

Equilateral triangle: A triangle, which has three according abandon and autogenous angles, is alleged as an boxlike triangle or approved triangle.

Isosceles triangle: A triangle, which has two according abandon and autogenous angles, is alleged as an isosceles triangle.

Scalene triangle: A triangle, which has diff abandon and altered autogenous angles, is alleged as scalene triangle or aberrant triangle.

Right triangle: It is a triangle, which has individual appropriate angle.

To know more:

Slope Formula

Types of lines

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Divide Numbers

How to divide numbers:

1. How to bisect numbers calmly for accustomed numbers 6/7?

Answer is Quotient = 0.85 and butt = 6.

2. How to bisect numbers calmly for accustomed numbers 75/6?

Answer is Quotient = 12.5 and butt = 3.

3. How to bisect numbers calmly for accustomed numbers 4/2?

Answer is Quotient = 2 and butt = 0.

My next blog is on:

Formula de Areas

other helpful links:

How to divide decimals

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Factor Polynomials

Factor Polynomials:

Factoring a polynomial is the reverse method of multiplying polynomials.
When they factor a actual number, First they are getting for prime factors for actual number which multiply together to give the same actual number.
For example, 28 = 7 x 2 x 2
When they are going to factor a polynomial, First they must look for simpler polynomial expressions which are multiplied each other & give the same polynomial expression what they started with.
For example, y5x2 + 25xy = 5xy(x + 5)
Let us solve sample issues on factoring polynomials.

To know more:

mx b

Math home work solver

Monday, September 6, 2010

11 th Grade Maths

Solving 11th grade math problem 2:

Solve the given mathematical linear equation and find the values of the given variables.

x + 3y + 5z = 18

x + 5y + 3z = 18

3x + y + 5z = 18


Let as the given equations be identified as follows.

x + 3y + 5z = 18 ----------- (i)

x + 5y + 3z = 18 ----------- (ii)

3x + y + 5z = 18 ----------- (iii)

Consider the above given equations (i) and (ii). Subtracting the equation (i) and (ii) we get

x + 3y + 5z = 18

x + 5y + 3z = 18

-2y – 2z = 0 ------------------ (iv)

Consider the above given equations (ii) and (iii). In the equation (ii) multiply with a numerical 3, we get

3x + 15y + 18z = 54

Subtracting the equation (ii) and (iii) we get

3x + 15y + 18z = 54

3x + y + 5z = 18

14y + 4z = 36------------------- (v)

Consider the above equations (iv) and (v). In the equation (iv) multiply with the numerical 7, we get

-14y - 14z = 0

Subtract the equation (iv) and (v) we get

-14y - 14z = 0

14y + 4z = 36

18y = 36

Y = 2

Substitute y = 2 in (v) we get

14(2) + 4z = 36

28 + 4z = 36

z = 2

Substitute z = 2, y = 2 in (iii) we get

3x + 2 + 10 = 36

3x + 12 = 36

z = 2

Answers of a given algebraic variables are x = 2, y = 2, z = 2.

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Polygon Cycles

Infinite limits

Friday, September 3, 2010

Variance Formula

Calculating variance:

The Variance formula is:

From this formula they can find the population variance they sum up the squared individual scores && subtract from them the sum of the scores quantity squared divided by the number of scores Then variance the of this quantity divided by the number of scores. They can see that the only information they must make this calculation in the process of the sum of the scores, the sum of the squared scores, & the number of scores. The worksheet below shows these quantities.

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9th maths

Diagonal line